University of Miami 2Ls Will Get ‘Waiver’ To Offset Tuition Hikes
Miami 2Ls will not have to pay a tuition hike, because the Dean promised them they wouldn't...
Miami 2Ls will not have to pay a tuition hike, because the Dean promised them they wouldn't...
In October 2007, Professor D. Marvin Jones of the University of Miami School of Law was hit with a misdemeanor charge of soliciting a prostitute. We found it interesting that a criminal procedure professor was charged with, well, violating the criminal law. We bestowed Lawyer of the Day honors upon Professor Jones. Well, it seems that Professor Jones is back. Multiple University of Miami law school sources have alerted us to a new charge against him....
Facing growing caseloads and data volumes, law firms that rely on outdated case management tools risk falling behind. Discover how AI is transforming litigation processes and giving firms a competitive edge.
We’ve already noted that there was no change at the very top of the 2012 U.S. News Law School Rankings. The best schools remain the best schools. Further down the list, we start to see some volatility. Now, every year there needs to be some change in the rankings; how else is U.S. News going […]
We’ve talked a lot about law schools that are raising tuition. It borders on unconscionable for schools to pump up tuition at a time of deflationary legal salaries and a difficult job market. So I was a little surprised when I received this email from a University of Miami School of Law student: The Dean […]